Monday, June 29, 2009

Math and science links for kids

Here are some links I find useful:

Math Kangaroo Olympiad

AIMS Educational Foundation

National Associations of Math Circles

The Logic Zone

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives

Los Alamos Mega Mathematics Project


Young Inventors' Competitions Games

Rockville Consortium for Science

Kids Science Challenge

Discovery Education

Digits, loved and hated

Yesterday my 7 year old daughter told me that there are digits she loves, and digits she hates. There are also digits that are so-so.
So, we assigned each digit a score ( -1,0 or 1) and tried to analyse long numbers with those scores.
For example, she says that she loves 5, hates 7 and is OK with 4.
Will she love 5547? ( yes, t0tal score is 1+1+0-1=1)
Will she love 7745474?
And so on.
We had a lot of fun.
You could also make it more complicated introducing scores in between, etc, graphing it and so on.

Friday, June 26, 2009

This is my first blog :)
I hope to learn more about math outside the classroom, homeschooling bright kids and new approaches to education, especially critical thinking and logic development.